We Help Financial Advisors

New Light’s goal is to help financial advisors generate profits for their customers. All the classes we run and the software and databases we develop are made with this purpose in mind. You can learn about our approach to investments here

UT/ILP Investment Sales Master Class

The New Light UT/ILP Investment Sales Master Class is our IBF approved course for financial advisors who want their customers to make profits on investing. Delivered in-person or over Zoom, this 8.5 hour Master Class will set your customers on the path to successful investing.
We break up investing into controllable and non-controllable factors, and demonstrate how focusing on controllable factors can help to generate profits. Our approach is based on the Peter Bernstein adage that ‘risk in investing is inescapable and not an incidental anomaly’. This means negative events are going to happen and since we cannot predict them, they have to be accepted as part of the investment journey. During the Master Class, you will also get an opportunity to see our software solutions and databases in action. If you would like to attend a preview of the Master Class, please  click here.

New Light Analytics

New Light Analytics offers financial advisors access to software solutions which replicate some of the charts and tables provided in the UT/ILP Investment Sales Master Class. This software will be available in two versions. The basic version will allow advisors to see the results of an annual and semi annual dollar cost averaging journey.  The software will be able to show the importance of topping-up the portfolio when the markets are down and how regular investing works. Advisors who want to share with their customers how dollar cost averaging works on a monthly basis can use the advanced version. Both versions allow advisors to change inputs like the entry date, the duration of investment, amount invested etc.
New Light Analytics will be launched in 2024. Please click here if you would like to receive further information.

Going Digital

The Investing Game

The Investing Game, launched in 2019 is our first point of sale software. Financial advisors use The Investing Game to show clients the rewards and risks of investing in a simple, entertaining and insightful manner. The game allows investors to see the results of short, medium and long-term investing in a random and real world context. The Investing Game is playable on a number of markets and is based on 25 years of investing history. Financial Advisors also use this software as a training tool. By looking at the different returns which are thrown up, advisors have to address how investing  works at different times. Using this  software, allows you to showcase your passion and commitment towards the process of financial planning. Please click here if you would like to receive further information.